GrooveMember Categories & Elements Bugs
David Lemon
This issue is now fixed. There will be improvements to the drag & drop functionality but there aren't any issues with categories and bugs with elements.
Jun Quan
David Lemon: You sure?
Do you want to have a look on mine?
once I clone one category and it appears to have many duplicated one around... and pretty messed up. Goshhh
Bruce Johnson
Same issues here. Can't add a category or an element. Literally NOTHING is working.
Chris Fox [Wolfish]
Can you please just make the members area WORK?
It's been months now. I've lost all of my content.
No follow-up to my tickets.
Even today just tried to create a new membership area from scratch and still the same issues.
Created a category, as subcategory and a post... and the same subcategory was added once again underneath the subcategory....
Please stop creating new things and fix what is broken first so we can finally start to use it and not have to wait another year. Better to have 5 apps work 90% than 12 apps work 50%.
Patrick Connon
I found a fix. Create a new membership area. But my old membership areas from two months ago are not working as described here. Also my pagebuider is not working.
Chris Fox [Wolfish]
Patrick Connon: I already have three member areas I started building over the past months. Still the same errors and the content of my first membership sites has disappeared completely ...
Choo Shi Hwei
Not working today. I can't add category, can't drop elements.
Patrick Connon
I am having the same experience. But only with my old membership areas that I made a month ago. I tried making a new membership area today, and everything is working: both the drag & drop elements and adding new categories. Maybe an update broke the old memberships?