File Uploads - GrooveMember
David Lemon
This issue is fixed.
Susan Bailey
David Lemon: I tried to do this this AM and couldn't get the button to work to click upload. There was no other indication that I needed to wait for something to happen before I clicked upload.
Susan Bailey
And now, it works. I'll have to test if I can get to it within the membership now.
David Lemon
Susan Bailey: We tested it thoroughly before making it live, it should be all good now.
Susan Bailey
David Lemon: Yes-- I have since found success with it! Thanks!
Dawn MacLaughlin
I'm getting this too while trying to upload a pdf file.
Sander Goethals - Ondernemen voor Coaches
I have files in the content area of Groovemember but when I link to them then I get a file not found error